寒蟬鳴泣之時ED why, or why not
but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of. The sound of footsteps became louder every day, Then I noticed the fact there was no time. I was a believer in life to be myself always, and was asking whether I would be alive. Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way, or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins. Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much, maybe I overlooked something fatal for me. The whole world was at a complete stand still, and I was in fetters, at the mercy of the mob. The silent warning became louder every day. Then I kept pretending not to hear. Its meaning had been in the eyes of beholder all along. It had grown dark before I found a sign. "Among the nonsense tragedies, what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate." Tell me why,or why not. Complaining way too much, maybe I overlooked something fatal for me. There is nobody who knows there will be nobody. Except for me,all the world has gone mad. So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the well-being you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don't you come interrupt me, oh please, while I am interrupting myself.
那一天是非常晴朗的日子 吸入了一口冷風 僅只一次 逐漸改變的人與 冀望能如此的人 誰在哭泣 那個哭聲從何而來? 晚安了 好孩子快睡吧 蒼藍的月影 在越過陸奧之門時 祭典已然開始 火光又將消逝而去 懼怕溫柔的事物 那就是發出悲鳴聲 僅只一次 映染成赤紅的眼睛 在呼喚著誰的名字? 映照著社殿 被棄留的身影 白晝也能見到的鬼面 映照在照合鏡的姿態 祭典已然開始 火光又將消逝而去 是誰在哭泣 那個哭聲從何而來? 晚安了 好孩子快睡吧 祭典已然開始 火光又將消逝而去 寒蟬鳴泣之時 解 - 奈洛之花
靜靜飛舞的 時間的碎片 是誰正握著這隻手? 若發芽又會再次陷入因果輪迴 想要逃離 想要逃離 靜靜飛舞的 時間的碎片 |
要不要反轉隨便你們囉~ |
- Apr 05 Tue 2011 18:46